The (Extended) Lalafell Defense Squad

Located in the crisp, beautiful, advantageous Goblet on Excalibur. W20, P39

What We Do

We're a casual Free Company with a focus on roleplay and crafting! (Though some of us participate in Savage/Extreme content.)
Currently not accepting applications.
If you see us around, don't be shy!

The Clowns

Soliha Venerasch (they/them)

Resident "guild" "master". Spends more time fishing than is healthy.
"This is easy" - Soliha after dying several times in Extreme content

Ziu Khama (she/they)

"How is she always adorable" - Isopod, 2021

Eldgrim Hjorvarth (he/him)

Technically a scholar. The H in Himbo stands for Hrothgar.

Jiruru Jiru (she/her)

Jiruru, by her own reckoning, has been given too much by fate.

Born to the descendants of Nymian royalty, given the Echo at a young age, and sent to study history and politics in Sharlayan when she was young, she had a very nice, cushy life set out for her.

The life of a fool.

Jiruru's parents are narcissistic assholes who believe in re-establishing Nym as a sovereign nation, through violence if necessary, and so she cut them off as soon as she could. As soon as she finished her early schooling, she ran away to live with her grandparents, a merchant and adventurer who deeply regret the path their daughter and her husband took. They raised Jiruru to become an adventurer in her own right, and she left her grandparents at 19 to adventure, eventually joining the Scions. There, she learned about her Echo, and what it meant to be possessed of the Echo. Including how it made you, essentially, the servant of Hydaelyn.

But Jiruru desired freedom, and so Freedom she became. By severing her own connection with the Echo and Hydaelyn, she has become a manifestation of the human desire for freedom, change, and happiness. And it is her goal to cut down every villain, monster, god, and immortal that stands in the way of the peace and prosperity she seeks. Even fate, if she has to.

Isopod Advocate (she/her)

We are all love Isopod.

Jules Starseeker (she/her)

Resident milf.